Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Periods of East Turkestan Independence

The First Period

The period up to 206 B.C.

The Second Period

Local Administration under the Turkish Hun Khanate, 206-108 B.C.

The Third Period

Local Administration under the Turkish Hun Khanate 86-60 B.C.

The Fourth Period

Local Administration Under the Turkish Hun Khanate, 10 B.C.-73 A.D.

The Fifth Period

Complete Independence, 74-554 A.D.

The Sixth period

Local Administration Under the Gokturk Khanate, 555-639 A.D.

The Seventh period

Local Administration Under the Gokturk Khanate, 650-660 A.D.

The Eighth Period

Local Administration under the Turgis Turkish Khanate, 699-738 A.D.

The Ninth Period

Complete Independence, 751-1216 A.D.

The Tenth Period

Local Administration Under the Mughal Empire, 1217-1351 A.D.

The Eleventh Period

Complete Independence, 1351-1678 A.D.

The Twelfth Period

Local Administration Under the Kalmuck state, 1679-1752 A.D.

The Thirteenth Period

Complete Independence, 1756-1759

Complete Independence 1929-1935

Complete Independence 1939-1950

Periods of Chinese Occupation of East Turkestan

The First Period

108-86 B.C., Limited to the South of the Country

The Second Period

60-10 B.C., Limited to the South of the Country

The Third Period

74-103 A.D., Limited to the South of the Country

The Fourth Period

640-649 A.D., All of the Country

The Fifth Period

660-699 A.D., All of the Country

The Sixth Period

738-751 A.D., All of the Country and Part of West Turkestan

The Seventh Period

1753-1756, All of the Country

The Eighth Period

1759-1861, All of the Country

The Ninth period

1879-1929, All of the Country

The Tenth Period


The Eleventh Period

From 1950 antil Today

As can be seen from the table, East Turkestan has been under Chinese occupation only a total of 560 years during its 2,200-year history. (Isa Yusuf Alptekin, Unutulan Vatan Dogu Turkistan (East Turkestan, the Forgotten Country), Seha Nesriyat, Istanbul, 1999, pp. 90-91)

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